Promoting the role of Physics in research, education, industry and the community

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Benefits and Services 

Physics is an enabling science that provides the basis for much of our current understanding of the world in which we live as well as underpinning many established and emerging technologies. As such it is of critical importance to Australia’s cultural and economic development.

Since it was formed in 1963, The Australian Institute of Physics has served the needs and interests of professional physicists, and those with an interest in physics, by:

  • fostering a strong professional identity and fellowship among physicists by providing a forum for their views and enabling them to meet with their colleagues on a regular basis
  • helping to maintain the standards of physics qualifications through the review and accreditation of tertiary physics courses
  • expressing the views and interests of physicists to government bodies and other employers, both directly and though our membership of Science and Technology Australia
  • promoting the value and interest of physics as a discipline
  • holding regular conferences and publishing the views of members along with other matters of interest
  • supporting and promoting women in science through the Women-in-Physics workgroup and the Women-in-Physics lecture series
  • encouraging excellence in research and teaching with prizes and awards
  • encouraging outstanding students with awards and prizes
  • providing a broad range of member benefits, including financial support for conferences, discounts for events offered by related societies

Benefits and Services

Medals, Awards and Honours

The AIP supports its  scientists, by awarding medals, awards and honours.

Australian Physics Magazine

The AIP produces a magazine four times per year called Australian Physics. As a member you automatically receive a copy.  

University Courses Accredited by the AIP

The Australian Institute of Physics accredits universities across Australia, upholding the standard of physics education in Australia. Graduates with qualifications from accredited universities are automatically eligible for admission to the grade of Member of the AIP.

Events, Awards and Volunteering with AIP's Branches and Groups

The AIP is enhanced by 7 Australian state/territory branches and 9 physics groups. The branches and groups of the AIP organize local online and in-person events, hold annual general meetings, award prizes and awards and much much more!

The AIP branches and groups are solely run by its generous volunteers. Volunteering is the ideal way to integrate yourself in the Australian physics community. You will get to work with scientists from all over Australia, in many different careers with a wide range of expertise. Join a Branch or Group committee to contribute and support the Australian physics community today! 

AIP Student Travel Grant

Student Financial Members of the AIP are invited to apply for financial support for conference attendance using this application form. Application forms, including all supporting information, must be received by the AIP by 31 March and 31 August each year (unless noted otherwise for AIP hosted events). The following conditions apply:

  1. Funding is limited to students presenting a paper, either orally or by poster, at national or international level meetings in Australia and New Zealand, or international meetings held outside Australasia. The conference or the material must relate substantially to physics. The application may be submitted before acceptance of the paper is advised.
  2. Funding will be provided only for travel and accommodation where the location of the conference requires relocation from a student’s place of domicile. Registration fees are not covered.
  3. The applicant must have been a financial member of the AIP  for at least six months prior to the application deadline and must be enrolled for a higher degree at a recognised tertiary institution in Australia. Free student associates do not qualify for this grant. Where other funding sources are not available, or insufficient to allow conference attendance, a student may apply for assistance from the AIP up to 3 months after their higher degree graduation.
  4. Applications must be received prior to travel and must include:

    1. a statement of the full travel costs and budgeted expenses, support requested, and other support received or expected (download the statement template). This statement must be signed by the supervisor;
    2. the abstract of papers or posters to be presented; and
    3. a letter of support signed by the principal supervisor and the Head of School or Discipline.
  5. The maximum support for any one meeting will be $500. Individual students may be granted funds on more than one occasion, subject to a lifetime maximum of $500. Priority will be given to students in their final year of postgraduate study.
  6. Grants are conditional on the student providing a brief report on his/her presentation which may be used in AIP publications. The Institute is to be acknowledged in all presentations, posters and subsequent publications of work that receives support.

AIP Conference Support Scheme

The AIP Conference Support Scheme offers two types of support for domestic and international Physics-based conferences held in Australia:

  1. Seed funding to help conferences cope with initial financial demands, typically $5k-$10k, and
  2. Financial underwriting where the expectation is that the conference will break even or make a profit.

The first type of support is to be repaid regardless of the financial outcome of the conference. The second type is offered on a risk/profit sharing basis.

The conference organiser making the funding request must be a financial member of the AIP.
Requests for funding should be sent to the AIP Executive and must include:

  1. A statement of the aims of the conference including the scope of material and the involvement of the physics community.
  2. A clear statement of what is requested from the AIP.
  3. A full budget showing all expected income and expenditure for different numbers of attendees.
  4. A clear statement of what other underwriting or sponsorship arrangements have been made with other organisations.
  5. Agreement from the organisers that if the AIP underwrites the conference the AIP will:
  • Be fully acknowledged in all publicity
  • Receive regular reports on organisation and budget details from the organisers
  • Only be reliable for the amount initially agreed to by the AIP Executive
  • Receive 50% of any profit made by the conference (if there is more than one underwriter then profit will be pro rata to fraction of original total amount of underwriting).

Reciprocal Benefits with International Physics Societies 

The Australian Institute of Physics has reciprocal arrangements with the following professional societies:

  • American Institute of Physics
  • American Physical Society
  • Canadian Association of Physicists
  • European Physical Society
  • Institute of Physics (Singapore)
  • New Zealand Institute of Physics
  • Physical Society of Japan
  • Physical Society of the Republic of China
  • South African Institute of Physics

These entitle AIP members to receive member discounts when attending professional meetings run by these societies. Email, for more information.

For discounts for your AIP membership, please see our partner cognate societies and Fee schedule on  our Membership page.

AIP members may also join the Division of Condensed Matter Physics (DCMP) of the Association of Asian Pacific Physical Societies (AAPPS) for FREE.  For more information and to sign up: This will give DCMP member discounts to attend the annual AC2MP conference and access online resources.

Discounts for Events

Financial AIP members may receive discounts for events such as our Australian Institute of Physics Congress. Further information on the AIP Congress may be found here.

Financial members also receive discount to the Australian Institute of Physics Summer Meeting, Condensed Matter and Materials Meetingbranch and group events, and all of the International Physics Societies  that we have reciprocal benefits with.

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