The AIP runs biennial Congresses to bring the Australian Physics community together. A new host is chosen each time, and the program committee draws heavily on input from the topical groups.
The 25th Congress was held in December 2024 in Melbourne; stay tuned for plans for the 2026 Congress!
In late 2024 the AIP had many of the earlier Congress Proceedings scanned; these are accessible below. A simple (but incomplete) index of all Congress papers, sorted by the presenting author is under development, see here.
Here is a complete list of previous AIP congresses with details of where to access the programme and possibly the abstracts.
# |
Location |
Date |
Details & Publication Name |
Library holding(s) |
Program or outline |
25 | Melbourne | December 2024 | 25th Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics (AIP), the 17th International Conference on Near-field Optics, Nanophotonics, and Related Techniques (NFO-17), the 2024 Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), and the 2024 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD) | Congress website | ||
24 | Adelaide | December 2022 | |
24th Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, co-locating with the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), the 2022 Conference on Optoelectronic and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD), and the 7th International Workshop on Speciality Optical Fibers (WSOF) | Handbook | |
23 |
Perth |
December 2018 |
23rd Australian Institute of Physics Congress joint with Australian Optical Society (AOS) Conference; 43rd Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT); 2018 Conference on Optoelectronlc and Microelectronic: Materials and Devices (COMMAD 2018) |
22 |
Brisbane |
December 2016 |
APPC-AIP Congress 2016 (Joint 13th Asian Pacific Physics Conference and 22nd Australian Institute of Physics Congress incorporating the Australian Optical Society Conf.) |
21 |
Canberra |
December 2014 |
21st Biennial Australian Institute of Physics Congress, incorporating the Australian Optical Society Conf. |
20 |
Sydney |
December 2012 |
20th Australian Institute of Physics Congress incorporating the 37th Australian Conf. on Optical Fibre Technology and the Australian Optical Society Conf. ISBN 978-0-85825991-1 (CD-ROM: Extended abstracts and full refereed papers) |
19 |
Melbourne |
December 2010 |
19th Australian Institute of Physics Congress incorporating the 35th Australian Conf. on Optical Fibre Technology and the Australian Optical Society Conf. ISBN 978-0-9775657-6-4 (CD-ROM: Extended abstracts and full refereed papers) |
18 |
Adelaide |
November/December 2008 |
Australian Institute of Physics (AIP) 18th National Congress [electronic resource]: incorporating the 27th AINSE Plasma Science Conference: refereed papers / 30 November-5 December 2008, The University of Adelaide. ISBN 1 876346 57 4 (CD-ROM: Refereed papers) |
Libraries Australia | |
17 |
Brisbane |
December 2006 |
Australian Institute of Physics 17th National Conference 2006 : Refereed Papers / Dobson, John, Sang, Robert. ISBN 0-9598064-7-4 (CD-ROM: Refereed papers) |
16 |
Canberra |
January/February 2005 |
16th National Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics: physics for the nation: Manning Clark Centre, Australian National University of Canberra, Sunday 30 January to Friday 4 February 2005: congress handbook and abstracts. ISBN 0-7315-5222-9 (CD-ROM) |
15 |
Sydney |
July 2002 |
Physics and industry working together [electronic resource]: proceedings of the Australian Institute of Physics 15th Biennial Congress 2002: 8-11 July 2002, Sydney Australia / edited by David Neilson. ISBN 0-9598064-4-X Co-located with the Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT) |
14 |
Adelaide |
December 2000 |
14th National Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Adelaide, South Australia, December 10-15, 2000: Congress abstracts and posters summaries. |
13 |
Perth |
September/October 1998 |
13th National Congress of the Australian Institute of Physics, Fremantle, Western Australia, September 27 - October 2 1998 : program and abstracts. ISBN 1 86308 071 6 |
12 |
Hobart |
July 1996 |
Congress proceedings : July 1-5 1996, 12th Australian Institute of Physics Congress incorporating 16th AINSE Nuclear & Particle Physics Conference / Australian Institute of Physics. |
11 |
Brisbane |
July 1994 |
Abstracts: the sixth Asia Pacific physics conference of the Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies and the eleventh Australian Institute of Physics Congress: 4-8 July 1994, Griffith University, Nathan Campus, Nathan Brisbane, Australia. |
10 |
Melbourne |
February 1992 |
Tenth national congress handbook: 10-14 February 1992, the University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria. |
9 |
Perth |
February 1990 |
Cancelled (due to industrial troubles in the aviation industry) |
8 |
Sydney |
January 1988 |
Conference programme / Australian Bicentenary Congress of Physicists: Eighth AIP Congress, 25-29 January, 1988, University of NSW, Sydney, Australia. |
7 |
Adelaide |
August 1986 |
Seventh National Congress: University of Adelaide, 25-29 August, 1986 / Australian Institute of Physics. Workshops on Condensed Matter Physics: University of Adelaide, 25-29 August, 1986 |
6 |
Brisbane |
August 1984 |
Aust Physics | |||
5 |
Canberra |
August 1982 |
Fifth National Physics Congress, Australian National University, Canberra, 23-27 August 1982. |
4 |
Melbourne |
August 1980 |
Australian Institute of Physics 4th National Congress, University of Melbourne |
3 |
Perth |
January 1979 |
Proceedings of the Australian Institute of Physics, Third National Congress, Perth 15-19 January 1979. |
2 |
Sydney |
August 1976 |
Second National Congress [with] 16th Annual Conference on Physics & Engineering in Medicine & Biology. |
1 |
Adelaide |
May 1974 |
Australian Institute of Physics National Congress, Flinders University |
Program and Abstracts |
The AIP would like to provide a full copy of the handbook or program from all past congresses to the National Library. Anyone having a copy of those proceedings missing in the above table is asked to contact the AIP.