Promoting the role of Physics in research, education, industry and the community

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What Does “Quantum Science and Technology” Cover?

It includes theory, experiment, or technology in areas such as:

  • Quantum information (including computing and communication)
  • Quantum foundations
  • Quantum control
  • Quantum-limited measurement
  • Quantum chaos
  • Quantum coherence and correlations, in any kind of matter.

What is QST Doing?

For Australian physicists interested in QST, we are building our sense of community, promoting our interests and helping to co-ordinate our activities. For example:

We are looking after the representation of our field in the biannual AIP Congress

We may organise our own meetings, and joint meetings or sessions with other topical groups or cognate societies of the AIP

We will maintain a web page and email lists to enable sharing of information about relevant activities in Australia. “QST News” and “QST Jobs” pages coming shortly!


If you are interested in QST, then you will be helping to promote your own interests. It is also a way to remain informed, and to inform others about relevant things in Australia or by Australians. For example: overseas visitors, positions vacant, employment wanted, research papers, conferences, etc.

Anyone in AIP can join with no extra charge.

Simply tick the appropriate box on your membership application or renewal form, available on your Membership Profile  of the AIP website, or contact our secretary (see below) with your AIP membership details.

QST 2024 Committee

  • Chair: Prof Nicolas Prof Menicucci, RMIT
  • Vice-Chair: Dr Ben Travaglione, University of Western Australia
  • Secretary: Dr Behnam Tonekaboni, CSIRO

QST 2023 Committee

  • Chair: Prof Nicolas Menicucci, RMIT
  • Vice-Chair: Dr Ben Travaglione, University of Western Australia

QUICC Committee 2022

  • Chair: Prof Jingbo Wang, University of Western Australia
  • Vice-Chair: Dr Eric Cavalcanti, Griffith University
  • Secretary: Dr Ben Sparkes, University of Adelaide

QUICC Committee 2014-2016

  • Chair: A/Prof. Andrea Morello, UNSW
  • Secretary: Dr. Robert Pfeifer, Macquarie University
  • Vice-Chair: Vacant

News and Upcoming Events

  • No upcoming events
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