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NSW Community Outreach to Physics Award

The Australian Institute of Physics in New South Wales has instituted this annual award as a means to recognise the work of individuals for community outreach to the discipline of physics. This Award seeks to acknowledge an individual, with a clearly notable record of work in contributing to outreach, physics education, and has demonstrated passion for the study of physics in New South Wales.

The NSW Community Outreach to Physics Award will be presented each year following a selection from the list of those nominated for the Award. The Award will be awarded to individuals that seek to achieve activities that engage our community and contribute to public engagement within physics. The Award is open to everyone in NSW and will consist of a $1000 monetary award, and a certificate citing the achievements of the individual.

Eligibility and Criteria

The nomination should show that the individual being nominated for the Award is engaged within physics and has:

  • Worked to engage the academic community to physics or academic pursuits.
  • Effectively developed community events for the public, or other activities that engage our physics community.
  • Increased awareness, knowledge and experiential learning opportunities for students in relation to physics community development and grassroots work.
A statement of up to 500 words outlining the work for which the nomination seeks recognition should be included in the nomination form:

2025 AIPNSW Community Outreach to Physics Award.pdf

Nominations for this Award will open on 1st March 2025 and close on 4th July 2025.

Recipients of NSW Community Outreach to Physics Award

 Year RecipientInstitution 
 2014 Dr Ken Silburn NSW Department of Education, Casula High School
 2015 Dr Amanda Baurer Australian Astronomical Observatory
 2016 Professor Joe Wolfe University of New South Wales
 2017 Dr Ragbir Bhathal Western Sydney University
 2018 Dr Scott Martin CSIRO
 2019 Mr Glen Moore University of Wollongong Science Centre
 2020 A/Prof. Christopher Ferrie University of Technology Sydney
 2021 Professor Andrea Morello University of New South Wales
 2022 Dr Devika Kamath Macquarie University
 2023 Dr Renee Goreham University of Newcastle
 2024 Associate Professor Karen Livesey University of Newcastle

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