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Light-matter coupled quantum systems in flatland, Meera Parish (Monash)

29 Sep 2022 9:09 AM | Anonymous

Thursday 6 Oct 1pm AEST

Click here  to watch the recording on the AIP YouTube channel.

Abstract:  A strong coupling between light and matter can be achieved by embedding two-dimensional layers of semiconductor in an optical microcavity. This results in the formation of exciton-polaritons, which are hybrid part-light, part-matter particles that are capable of realising a range of quantum many-body phenomena. However, the interactions between such polaritons are still not well understood despite their fundamental role. In this talk, I will discuss recent theoretical progress in understanding the microscopic properties of polaritons. In particular, I will show how the two-dimensional geometry plays an important role and leads to highly counterintuitive results, such as light-enhanced polariton-polariton interactions.

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